Friday, 2 March 2018

The Manifesto of Tactile Imaginary (or fanciful) Tactics

The Manifesto of Tactile Imaginary (or fanciful) Tactics, on how Krazy Kosmic Kid builds her Speculative Future through 1.0 list of an alternative and plausible cosmic solution. 

0.0 Like it or not, you were born in a family that constructed you to be something. Society sculpted you into a binary position of whether an adequate or inadequate person—there is indeed no room for imaginary utopian in between that you can build through daydreaming. What if I said, that you can be as cosmic traveler as just a boring ordinary person living in the cubicle and as an exiting psychonaut in the age of iOs at the same time.
0.1 There is no other way, in which neither privilege nor option was given to choose the best gene for your physical structure. The only privilege is to accept that you have to ignore sugar in order to prevent erected acne swarming your face because you don't inherit your mother's skin. What if I said, the future we imagine could have an institution for purpled skin human.
0.2 It's a curse to inherit your mother's inability to sleep but it's a gift to have abandoned childhood and countless amount of linear times to lived inside the matter-fiction manufactured inside my brain.
0.3 Fiction is greater than reality. Do you all think that what we perceived is not a fiction?
0.4 Our parents might have a belief system for the ancient fiction called religion, but each religion has its own storytelling structure. What if I said, the only structure we should be laid our lives is, in fact, a fiction inside our head. All decision is fiction, all fiction is a decision.
0.5 How can we stress over something? Why we hate something? Why our parents prevent us to talk with strangers? What if that stranger is, in fact, not an old witch giving us cursed apple but the one that will give us magical power? If life is stranger than fiction, then fiction is stranger than speculation, then speculation is stranger than life. I see it that way. A loop.
0.6 Prediction, prophecy, augury and omen: all is speculative future that might or not happened. But it is a future. A future past perhaps. What is past, present and future anyway?
0.7 In the age of depressive hedonia, people seek imagination and out of the world vision to experience futurity—through psychonautics and new age separatism.
0.8 Demon, ghost, fiend, terror, dreams and fear are synonyms of future. We fear the unknown. The future is unknown. Why do we fear the unknown? Why do we fear a place called hell as well the repression of chasing the nirvana? Am I forever wrong? Is that all we have? What if I said, as present condition that fear is fabricated by who has power, a fiction and speculation is the antidote of fearfulness.
0.9 On behalf of the whole universe of absurdity, narration and potentiality of speculative thinking through imagination, I declare war on rational thinking!
1.0 Let the fiction be our speculative future. Let the psychonaut method be our bible to determine the past, the present and the future

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